Bekjir Kubur – president
Mamer Shabani – member
Dragan Kostikj – member
Cvetanka Vuchkovska – Mitovska – member
The desire to pay respect to Skopje’s most famous person and the only Nobel Peace Prize winner from Macedonia culminated in the realization of a long-standing vision – building a Memorial House for Mother Teresa. Accordingly, the foundation stone of the Memorial House was laid on May 9, 2008. The building, dedicated to the most humane woman in the world, was completed in just nine months. For visitors, the Memorial House was open on January 30, 2009.
The exhibit area in the Memorial House of Mother Teresa was conceived so as to look like an urban house from the early 20th century.
The exhibit itself begins with photographs of old Skopje from the early 20th century, when Macedonia was still part of the Ottoman Empire. The aim is to recapture the spirit of this part of the Balkans as a crossroads between the oriental East and the Christian West. This mixture of cultures was woven into every thread of daily life and is best illustrated through the display of furniture and clothes, and the handiwork of silversmiths and goldsmiths.
The aim of the exhibit is to follow the life of Mother Teresa from her childhood spent in her native Skopje through the years spent as a Missionary of Charity, all the way until her death and beatification.
The most important items in this museum are the signature white sari with blue stripes (second class relic), the official habit of the Missionaries of Charity, copy of the Baptism certificate from the Catholic Church Sacred Heart of Jesus, authorized copies of documents with her handwriting and her awards.
Among the documents on display is the prayer book written by Mother Teresa, a copy of the Nobel Peace Prize received in 1979 and a copy of the letter sent to the Mayor of Skopje, Metodi Antov, on the occasion of her receiving the prize.
The exhibit boasts numerous photographs which vividly capture the humanitarian work of the sisters of Mother Teresa’s order.
The basement part of the museum is designed as a multimedia center that hosts various projections, promotions, exhibitions, educational projects related to the life and humanitarian work of Mother Teresa.
Above the gallery there is a small chapel where the priests from the Catholic Church hold services. At the honorary masses associated with important dates related to Mother Teresa her relic is presented.
Bekjir Kubur – president
Mamer Shabani – member
Dragan Kostikj – member
Cvetanka Vuchkovska – Mitovska – member
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 20:00
Last entrance at 19:45
Saturday – Sunday 09:00 – 14:00
Last entrance at 13:45
Free entrance
Tour guiding is free of charge
For groups, visits to the museum must be booked in advance
Tuesday 08:00